Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I couldn't really add a ton of pictures and make it work like I wanted to but here are some of my pictures from Guatemala for those of you who didn't ever get a chance to see them. I went last summer with 2 buddies of mine and it was AMAZING!!! One of the best experiences of my life.

1. Boat on the Carribean side of Guatemala.
2. Me and a wall...
3. My little princess.
4. Crazy waterfall thingy that doesn't come up for a good 1/2 mile or so...

This video was taken at 3 in the morning as the jungle was waking up. You can hear the animals wake up and in a sense take their places. Hence the noises you hear...

Funny thing is those noises that sound like tigers or something are monkeys about the size of volleyballs...crazy I know, especially since you can hear them from so far away!